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So a friend who is doing very well in her catering business shared a screenshot of her conversation with a client yesterday on Facebook, and I was honestly amazed because what I saw was a confirmation of the burden I have been brooding over lately.  Let me share this with you in the screenshot image below.

What comes to mind when you see things like this? After seeing this, I asked myself a series of questions. Do good people still exist? If they do, what is the substance they are made up of? What are their works? Do they need to make some loud noise about what they do? 

If I may ask, what is your definition of kindness?  I know you have heard this word like a million times but what does it mean to you? I feel like expressing this in my mother tongue due to how intense this is in my mind but let me try with this borrowed official language so we all may understand. 

Kindness is Everything ( defines kindness as "the sincere and voluntary use of one’s time, talent, and resources to better the lives of others, one’s own life, and the world through genuine acts of love, compassion, generosity, and service". 

Some keywords that stood out for me in this definition are time, talent, and resources - it, therefore, means that all of us have what it takes to show kindness to better the lives of others and the world at large since kindness is not only about money, so none of us is without an excuse.

In my research, I realise that kindness takes many forms and if all these forms are expressed daily, the world will indeed be a better place. Here is an excerpt from Kindness is Everything that captured the essence of it all for me.

Kindness shows up as a supportive smile, a comforting embrace, and a helping hand when we need it the most — but may expect it the least. It exists as heartfelt words of encouragement, thoughtful gestures of affection, and compassionate acts of generosity so many of us witness, perform and receive as we move through life. In a world filled with struggle and pain, kindness is like a deep cleansing breath that rejuvenates us with its purity, refreshes us with its goodness, and gives us the strength to persevere despite our troubles.

So tell me, what excuse do you have not to start showing kindness? Regardless of who you are and/or where you are in life now, let me ask you, have you no need for kindness? I have been shown kindness all of my life and I know why I need to show the same.

The world is broken and people are hurting. A lot of people out there are dead while alive. Most people are frustrated and depressed. Uncountable people are fighting battles, wars that we know nothing about. There is someone out there that honestly does not know where the next meal is coming from. The least we can do is to show kindness. 

You don't need to start with something big, yours may be the same as this client of my friend who just ordered 5 plates of food to be given to 5 hungry people that he doesn't even know personally. Or it could be helping that aged man or woman next door. It could be to constantly whisper words of encouragement to a weary heart, or even give somebody a gift of a heartfelt radiant smile. The list can go on. 

Here is the second verse and chorus of " Try a little kindness" by Mary McKee: 

Don't walk around the down and out

Lend a helping hand instead of doubt

And the kindness that you show every day

Will help someone along their way

You've got to try a little kindness, show a little kindness

Just shine your light for everyone to see

And if you try a little kindness you′ll overlook the blindness

Of the narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets

Let me wrap this piece by saying it costs nothing to be kind and a little act of kindness can mean everything to another; sprinkle some kindness every day. Did you notice that part of the definition that said kindness also makes your life better? (Go back up and read the definition again please). This is true because a genuine act of kindness is the height of selflessness.  I tell you again, this is very true. Give it a try. 

Kindness is indeed a game changer. Let it be known and heard of you that you lived a kind life when you are no more. Go about today thinking a little kindness, talking a little kindness, and showing a little kindness. 

Thank you for reading

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