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What BECOMING Entails


I would like to start this piece with an emphasis that there is no other way to become or arrive without staying through and remaining true in the process of your life's making.

The few points I will share with you today are not new, but they are new. They are not new because you know them by name, but new because every time they demand obedience from us, giving in becomes hard and strange. I desire that after reading this piece, you will count the cost and pay the proportional price of letting them finish their work in your life.

The process of your making will require:

Patience: Patience is not only waiting but waiting with the right kind of attitude. It entails not losing it even when all the odds of keeping your cool are against you. Truth is, you cannot amount to anything in life without patience. History is scattered with the story of so many young people who through impatience shipwrecked their lives. Dear you, you need patience. 

Persistence: Patience gives birth to persistence. When you are persistent, giving up is not in your vocabulary. Here, you see knockdowns as the foundation for great bouncebacks. Persistence enables you to get it, empowers you to bear it, and equips you to grab it. 

Consistency: This is what compliments, and complements persistence. Don't embark on the journey of persistence without consistency as a journey guide. Succinctly, persistence gets it but consistency keeps it for you. Consistency is the chisel with which you carve yourself a niche in the heart of men. You will need consistency to BECOME.


Hope: Hope keeps you going. It helps you to know and be convicted that the glory that lies ahead is more than the pain of the current process, and hope does not disappoint. Without hope, giving up is imminent. 

Humility: Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself but giving people much to think about you. The Bible said blessed are the meek/humble for they shall inherit the earth. Permit me to say that humility will grant you access to unimaginable places. There are so many lessons you will never learn in the process of life without humility. No amount of aptitude can replace the virtue of attitude expressing itself in humility.


Openness and readiness to learn: Humility is the key that opens you up to learn readily. In the process of your making, so many Life lessons will be thrown at you, you must be open and ready to learn. Failure to be open and ready to learn will keep you stagnant in life and for life. Read, get mentorship, and be an avid student of life. Don't ever stop being ready and open to learn.

Faith: Regardless of who or what you believe in, life needs faith. We all need faith, and then some more faith. Everything in life has a spiritual undertone. To stay through the process of making, we need faith and the assurance that all that we are going through is leading us to who/where we ought to be.

Seeing the bigger picture: If you blend all the aforementioned factors, they constitute the needed lense for you to see the bigger picture. Unless you see the bigger picture of who you are becoming and where you are heading, no bit and pieces of your life will make any sense to you. Daily, learn the discipline of seeing the bigger picture.

Dear young people, no doubt, you are BECOMING. Every experience, the process of your making exposes you to, is just a piece of the whole puzzle, when the work is done, you will see the entire picture - and it will be beautiful. 

Dear young people, you are BECOMING; however, your attitude towards all the factors shared in this piece will largely determine who/what you become. Be patient with yourself and with life, learn persistence, and while at it be consistent. Be humble and don't lose hope, always be open and ready to learn, and above all, have faith. 

Thank you for reading

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  1. "Patience is not only waiting but waiting with the right kind of attitude."
    Lovely piece, a timely reminder.


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