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Within the week I was sharing my pains about some unhealthy needless demands, expectations, and practices emerging in our society (communities) relating to marriage with a friend. After an elaborate conversation, I told her, in the end, we will just have to all be the Lengdungs of our time. If you know this guy, you would be connecting the dots by now, but if you don't, permit me to try to describe him in a few sentences as a backdrop for what I want to share.

Lengdung can be termed as a reformer of our time, a young guy obsessed with, knowledge, growth, and seeing the best in others, a challenger of the status quo of everything that is wrong with/in the society, a man who does all these and more pragmatically with his life. It would surprise you to know that he was among the few young men in Jos whose wedding went against the grain of culture and tradition. 

Coming from one of the roughest ghettos in the Plateau State of Nigeria, characterized by high school dropouts and teenage pregnancy, Lengdung and a few of his friends began changing the narratives by establishing a community library. I can tell you with a high sense of certitude that hitherto, the library has been transforming lives. (If you want to know more about him, check him out on Facebook with Lengdung Tungchama).

Ok, back to my main gist. There are so many things wrong in our society now, these things have their roots in our families, our immediate communities, in faulty systems of leadership, and the list can go on. If I may ask, what have you been doing about these? Rather, what are you doing about these in your little area of influence? When it comes to this, there is no sitting on the fence, and silence is the best form of conformity in this regard. 

You see we are the generation to challenge and change everything that is wrong with our time. We are those that should not settle for less. We are the ones who must dream big, and set a new precedence for the future. Now more than ever, we have all it takes to do these - we have information and technology at our fingertips. You must not be another Lengdung, but I tell you we can play our Lengdung's card. Let me share some key things about him that will enable us to become game-changers of our time.

  1. He never stops being qualified for the job - This guy is always reading, buying books, growing, developing, and traveling. What you don't know is bigger than you and what you bring to life is directly proportional to what you have learned.

  2. He shares what he learns - What you learn stays with you, but what you learn and share becomes yours and blesses others as well. Lengdung is always sharing what he learns.

  3. He shares his story - We all have stories to tell. Your story may be exactly what one needs to gain clarity of direction in life. Learn to share your challenges and success. The world needs them.

  4. He dares to live his dreams - Dreams will always remain dreams if we don't dare to bring them to life. To dream without daring is to sleep your life away. All these come at a price, and this guy is not afraid to pay any. Dating is the action we need to live out our dreams.

  5. He surrounds himself with great minds - You can not see farther or go further than the people you keep in your life, Lengdung has a rich circle of great men, and I am fortunate to be one of those.

  6. He relishes ordinary things - The extraordinary miracles we look for are often found in the ordinary we often ignore. Lengdung finds joy in little ordinary things.

To equip us to change our time and confront the ills therein, we must be ready and prepare for it. Nothing just happens, when it comes to living life, no one will do this for you. Either you do it well or you just go through the motions. I am not asking you to be a Lengdung, I am simply asking you to be a better version of yourself on all fronts for yourself and your generation.

I just use my friend as a theory, the real deal is you. What card are you playing now in life? Would it be said of you that you lived well or you just passed through life? In the end, what we do with our lives is what remains when we are no more. 


Start that reading now, start that growth now, start daring now, start learning that skill now, start sharing your life now, start having the right kind of people around you now, and start living now. 

Thank for reading

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  1. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Really inspired.

  2. Roland Emmanuel Osaro25 April 2022 at 13:53

    Thank you for sharing.

    You know, Lengdung recently said something about sacrifices. How we really must sacrifice some things in other to get what we really want. I can imagine a young couple without a TV in their house. Nah! It would be among the first things they get.

    Thank you, once more.

  3. The things I've learned from Lengdung are so changing my mindset so much that I'm afraid of the woman I'm becoming....


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