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"Our lives are so brief in the light of eternity. God has given each of us a certain amount of time on this earth. And we are the ones who are responsible for what we do with our lives"

~ Anonymous

Note - Please do me, yourself, and our generation a favour: To get the best out of this piece and the subsequent ones in the series, you have to be very intentional about meditating and acting on these words. These are principles from giants, and for us to make life count, we are to stand on the shoulders of giants.

So lately the security of my state has been super fragile, with a handful of lives being lost in the occasional tension that resulted from the several attacks carried out by Fulani herdsmen or the so-called unknown gunmen as the government calls them just to be politically correct. 

The area I stay in Jos is one of the flashpoints when such a breakdown in law/security occurs. It was a Sunday afternoon, with gunshots behind my house for almost four hours that I spent the rest of the day thinking about my life, its worth, and value. I asked myself a series of questions but I could not get satisfactory responses. 

Honestly, I had a deep conversation with myself amidst the chaos of the gunshots, the emotional pain of how lives are being wasted daily, and the fact that I am not certain as to whether I will be the next victim. You see, the only thing that ended up making sense for me that evening and the subsequent days that followed is the reality that I will only live once, and my life is a time-bound gift, hence I have to make it count so that when I am no more, I will close my eyes to sleep in peace knowing that I lived well. 

January 30th is my birthday, and last January I asked myself an introspective question that I am still figuring out with the daily unfolding of events. This was the question: "to live short but well, or to live long with many regrets, or to live neither short nor long yet with no sense of purpose"? Truth is life will keep asking us puzzling questions like this, but what we do with life within the short period we have as it relates to God and people will determine whether we answer it or it eludes us. 

So this series is partly the result of my deep thoughts given the recent happenings relating to the insecurity in my country and other countries such as Afghanistan, and the question I asked myself on my birthday. Yes, it may just be a product of my meditation, but I pray it blesses your heart and gives you more light in the journey of life. The principles I will be sharing in this series are not new but are tested and proved to be true and worth it by people of influence who have gone ahead. Many have written about them, others are still writing about them as I  am doing now, and for sure people will still write about them in the future.

No, I don't claim to have mastered anything I would be sharing here, I am still a Pilgrim of life, learning and living out these principles daily to make my life count. Among these principles, my father has taught me some, I have observed them from others and I have studied about them as well, and I can tell you that living by them will make life count. 

Different people have different parameters of measuring the worth of life; for some, it could be certificates, credentials, and awards, for others, it is power and authority while for some it is riches and all the affluence that life offers. All these are good, however, we will see in the coming weeks as to whether the life that counts only revolves around these things.

So gear up to experience a radical change in some major areas of your life as we travel this series. Always remember that life if well-lived, you don't need a second shot at it. Life, we sure must make it count. 

Thank you for reading

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  1. I am looking forward to it. May God bless you for the effort and may we reap the result of puting action into words.

  2. Great piece of thought. Four hours of gun gong...It is sickening. In all of the confusion, our lives will be made to count.


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