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This will be one of my shortest and straight the point piece. I pray that you behold the wonder therein. 

So last week was a tough long week for me. It started like any other normal week but panned out beyond my imagination. You see, I dragged with my health, almost a week without proper sleep, with pains, shivers, tears and loss of appetite. I was reminded of a reality we often take for granted.

We live in a world that craves wonder and miracle, daily people long for another event, new episode or fresh scenario that will give them that "wow" thrill. Even the unbeliever cannot disbelief in a tangible miracle. Yet, we have the greatest of all miracle with us daily that we fail to see and relish.

In my travail last week, I was reminded of those that hitherto have spent most of their lives in the hospital, or visiting the doctors. My attention was drawn to those who have the knowledge, power, access, money, and all the right connections but cannot enjoy good health. I was reminded of the fact that we spend our lives chasing things that we will in turn trade the same to chase our health. 

What I am saying is this, being alive and healthy is highly underrated. If you are alive and all your body systems are working in order, then you are rich, nothing beats that. Search no further for a miracle, you being healthy is the miracle. If you are doubting this, try sickness for a day.

I dare you to start placing a high premium on our health. I challenge you to start appreciating the miracle and gift of sound health. I urge you to stop underrating this gift. 

Again, if you are alive and healthy, you are rich, treasure it, nothing beats that.



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