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This is one of the shortest articles I have written lately, it’s going to be apt, rapt and straight to the point. This piece may sound contradictory, but I pray for you to understand its essence.

I can still remember vividly when I was growing up, among many other precautionary and cautionary words spoken by parents and guidance to their children was: “do not waste your life”. Whether they were spoken out of love, fear or sheer parental perfunctoriness, those words stuck to my memory to date. 

When I sent out the publicity of this piece, a very good friend whom we have been having conversation on life with asked me quoting the words I used earlier; ‘we all must be wasted for something”? I responded with a definite ‘yes. She asked me to shade more light. I went further to tell her that the word wasted may sound negative, but the truth is we all must be wasted for a worthy course, if not we will end up being wasted in its real sense. 

So far so good, I have grown, learned and experienced life in my little way; and I can say I have seen the practicality of these words “don’t waste your life”. 

Wasted means to be used up for no purpose and to be exhausted. However, permit me to push us a bit beyond the literal meaning. We all are blessed and endowed with one gift, skill or talent and these are meant to be expended in service to humanity and to glorify God.  Hence, we need to roll up our sleeves, draw from the well within us and reach out to bless lives out there. 

Basics: with our gifts, talents, skills and abilities, we have to get wasted, get wasted in seeing and bringing out the best in the others. Let no one of us come to the end of life and writhe in regret that he or she hasn’t made the best and get the best out of life by being wasted for all the right reasons and all the worthy life-changing courses. 

Look back in history and you will realise that those who left mark on the sand of time and left legacies for us to follow were men and women who were completely wasted.  They were all wasted on the search for knowledge, wasted on the application of knowledge, wasted on revolution, and wasted on investing in others. For us, the case will not be different, we must be wasted for/on a worthy course or life waste us away. 

For every passing day, decide to be wasted for good, empty all that you are to glorify God and edify humanity. Unless you are wasted and expended, there won’t be refilling from the source of all you have. Our generation can only experience true change when we all decide to be selflessly wasted, to die empty and be used up for all the right reasons.

Final words: IF you are not wasted for all the right reasons and worthy course, you will end up being wasted in its real sense. Get wasted. 

Thank you for reading
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