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So after like five months, last Friday I went to see my senior pastor friend in the morning. Throughout 2020 I had explored and utilized his library maximally. I went there to inform him and seek his counsel about a project I am about to embark upon. Well, we got talking about books and writers and other related issues. He raised a salient point that aligned with what I had in mind to share with you this week.  He said we may all be saying the same thing but there is a unique way in which we are all saying it.

Let me be a bit adventurous. If you are a foodie, can you say with certainty that one restaurant or eatery has the same recipe as that of its competitors? Yes, they may all have fried rice on their menu, but can you say they all taste the same? Can two ice cream producers have the same taste of ice cream? I believe by now you get the gist of the illustration I am trying to paint. It may sound obvious but bear with me a little bit longer. 

If you are alive and you are reading this piece right now, congratulations to you, there is something in you the world needs. By the virtue of you being alive, it means you have a menu, a 'custom made', 'one-of-a-kind' menu that only you can serve the world. You see, this is why you are you, and there won't be a replica of you somewhere or anywhere in the world. Not even your offspring can serve the world what only you can serve from your God-given menu. 

One of the biggest lies and deceptions of our time that has been denying so many people from accessing and reaching deep into their God-given power, potential and ability is the lie that they are not good enough and they have nothing to offer. So many young people have been dancing to the rhythm of this lie, hence their mental focus lies dormant, their physical energy unused, their willpower untapped and their original gifts underutilized. 

Are we all writers? Are all teachers? Are all business men and women? Are all leaders with an office? The question can go on and on. The picture I am attempting to paint here is that we may be doing the same or similar things, but we are different, same kind of different. I write and share on this platform weekly, another may write even better than me and share on this kind of platform, but we serve different recipes from different menu though through same channel. We may even decide to write on the same issue but will end up presenting it from different yet equally important angles - the same kind of different.

So have you discovered that one thing that only you can serve the world? What is that one thing that if properly horned and harnessed will single you out from the crowd? What makes you the same kind of different is your unique selling point, that sweet spot and that confident zone where you are your boss when it comes to relevance, efficacy and adding value to lives. Unless you have come to define this clearly, you will spend your life living for less and depriving the world of all the rich stuff you are made up.

Reach out today, begin to serve the world that one thing only you can serve. If you are still yet to discover, define and make ready your menu, refer back to your maker and He will make it clear to you. For no man can tell the purpose of an invention or product more than its maker or creator. The world awaits your manifestation. There is a high demand for what only can serve the world, and no man can serve that but you, we are the same kind of different. Starve the world no more, for you will only live once.

Thank you for reading

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