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 “Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character”. 1 Corinthians 15:33 

It was the last day of July and the following day would be her birthday, we had been expecting this day in our small circle of influence (Book lovers), because actually we wanted to celebrate her this time around. She has been a mother to us, a rock and a shoulder in our bad days. However, she told me: “Dan Auta (as she fondly call me), all I have for tomorrow is one crate of soft drink”. Well, I told her “as long as it is you, there will always be more than just a crate, just wait and see”

No one is an island, hence life is not designed to live alone. In our journey of life, we will need a push, nudge, prod, and rebuking to keep us on track from other people; the question now hinges on the people that will carry out those important task in your life. Keeping the right company in life makes life much easier and meaningful; this is simply because two cannot walk together unless they agree. Life begets life and like minds share the same life’s vision, mission, dreams and aspirations; hence walking and working with men and women of like minds with you is half way fulfilling and achieving your destiny. 

We are so familiar with this popular axiom: “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”, there is no doubt this is true, the kind of company you keep defines you, identifies you and shapes you, you cannot in any way be different from the kind of company you keep. Friends are influence carriers, daily they deposit in you their kind of life and sway you either towards or away from your life’s course; thus it is pertinent for you irrespective of age, socio-economic status to befriend men and women who in one way or the other will help you fulfill your God designed life’s purpose. 

Back to my opening story; they day did arrived, Mummy turned 40, and we came out to celebrate God’s faithfulness over her life. What was to be a celebration with a crate of soft drink and small chops turned out to be a celebration with a DJ doing his thing, three separate cakes, three varieties of food and several crates of drinks, people coming in and out at different intervals. Succinctly, it was far beyond what she had imagined it to be – a small reception. 

After all has been said and done, I called her the following day and told her; “Mummy, people is all you need not assets”. I know you may be rolling your eyes and winking saying “Is this guy for real?” Yes, I am for real. Let me make it categorically clear that your greatest assets in the journey of life after God is the right kind of people, right kind of like-minded and value-minded friends. These are the right company that stand by you, walk and work with you in the best and worst of times, they know you and your flaws and accept you just the way you are. 

How far you go in life is largely determined by majorly three things: first is your relationship with God, second is the choices and decisions you make every day and lastly the people or the company you keep in your life. These three form a tripod, a circle that each affects the other. Your ability to watch them and strike a balance brings stability and efficacy into your life and your failure to marry them meaningfully brings chaos and confusion into your life. God, choices and the company you keep – keep these ever before you. 

Who are your friends? What kind of company are you keeping? What kind of friend are you yourself to others? What kind of influence are your friends rubbing on you? Again, what kind of influence can you say you have on your friends’ lives as well? A promising young prince in the past saw his life crashing right before his eyes because he kept the wrong company and had the wrong person as a friend; he went as far as messing up with his Sister. With all sense of respect and responsibility, permit me to say that unless God show you mercy, no matter how extravagant His grace over your life is; it can be rubbished by bad company and friends. 

Practically, take a quick scan of the people in your life and the company you are keeping, assess and evaluate their influence in/on your life so far, be honest and sincere and see if you truly need such company to arrive where God want you to be. You cannot be with everybody and be somebody in life. Your ability to keep the right company will ripple through every bit of your life, hence, don’t take this lightly. Life is short, live it well, and live it right with the right people.

Let it not be said of you that you were a man/woman whom have been robbed of God’s grand master plan for his/her life because you kept the wrong company and befriend the wrong people during your life time. In as much as God has a plan for you, plan for good, to give you hope, future and an expected end, for such great plan to come to fruition, you must be careful with the kind of company you keep daily.

You cannot go farther than the company you keep neither can you see further than the people in your circle of influence; life is short, live it well, and live it right with the right people.

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Thank You


  1. I am happy I read this piece. Thank you brother. Never stop writing.

  2. I am ready eyed this morning because my heart is wounded and broken over the death of Chadwick Boseman. He isn't my favourite actor or even amongst them but something about his death just hit me raw. And then my Dan Auta says, mummy you need to read this!
    I read it and all I can say is you all are my blessings. I am just a being that is made better by you,you and you. I love you for real and thank you for this gorgeous piece,never stop writing!


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