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I am a very curious and inquisitive person, I love asking questions, sometimes even series of questions at the same time. Hence, the first time I was introduced into the printing world, I had so many questions as to how the finished works of printing came to be. Well! It wasn’t long ago before I was completely into the different processes every printing work has to pass through to become a finished product.
Process is simply a series of actions directed towards a specific aim. By implication, every process is aimed at arriving at a specific destination. Before we go further, it’s worth noting here that for every worthwhile venture and achievement, there is a process that led to its existence. Once the process is ignored, downplayed or handled carelessly, the resulting outcome will be catastrophe.

For every printed work you see – banner, flyer, poster, book, billboard, memo, magazine, newspaper, etcetera; there are specific processes that must be followed in other to make them a success. The process for the making of a banner differs from that of a book, just like the one for billboard differs from that of a newspaper or magazine. Therefore, knowing the different processes and which one fit what is of immense importance in being a great and successful printer.

In printing therefore, there are processes; though they may not apply to all printed works but they can be termed as the “General Process(es)” in printing. First is the design; this is where the graphic designer brings to fore his creative and aesthetic prowess. Following the design is the first printing for corrections or proofreading, after which corrections will be effected where need be. Before then, there is the need to purchase the material/paper needed to print your work on, and the paper also varies in quality. The actual printing follows which could be by direct imaging popularly known as DI or impression among many other printing options. After the printing, lamination is next, before collating, then stitching/sowing/gluing where finally it will be trimmed to look good and presentable.

Let me share this story with you to point out the imperativeness of due process. Sometimes last December, my Boss saddled me with the responsibility of overseeing the production of a burial programme. After which I innocently forgot the lamination process; despite the fact that the work was great, but that the lamination process was skipped, the work was rubbished.

Applicable to our lives therefore; I know we all know that life is a process, but most often, staying through and sticking with the process often prove hard. However, if we try to skipped any of the processes marked out for our making by God, our lives won’t become what they are originally deigned to be.  Once we give up on the process, we equally give up on the outcome.

True, the process may not be easy, it won’t be that rosy as you were expecting, at times, it may even want to break you, but if only you trust the process, you will reap and eat its fruit afterward. Sometimes in the printing world, while still on the process, you will not appreciate the product being produced until it is done. So also with our lives; at times the process God is allowing us to pass through may seem overbearing and hard to bear, but if only you are to see the bigger picture, you will wholeheartedly embrace the entire process.

God may still be on the drawing board marking out strategies for your life to be great, but then the greatness is taking like forever, just stay through. God may be in the process of trimming your life, taking off some habits, unequal yoking, and it feel painful, stay through and don’t give up. Whatever step of the process you may be now, stay through and never forget that whenever the night is darkest, dawn is at the corner.

There was once a young man who was to wear a crown, but had to pass through the process of being sold by his brothers. Not only that, but he was also sent behind bars after being falsely accused by his master’s wife for refusing to bow to evil. You see, he had every reason to question the process of his making, but he had faith, he trusted the process and he stayed through. Know therefore that when you are feeling like letting go, all you need is little bit of patience and faith.

Just like every printed work has to pass through the several processes marked out for it to become a finished product, we also have to pass through the processes of making so we can become the persons God actually wanted us to be. Your process may seem to take like forever, stay through, the longer and difficult the process the more amazing the outcome. God is not done with you yet, but for Him to finish what He had started; you have to trust Him and the process He is allowing you to pass through. Once you give up or try to find alternative ways, there is nothing He can do for you.

Thank You
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