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Midway into this week I was conversing with one of my friends who has a photo studio around my locale. Our friendly discourse hinged around how the abnormally harmful wrong has now become the normal right in our generation; how that if you try to stand out you automatically become an object of ridicule. This is however our sad reality that if not handled headlong will leave little or no sanity for the next generation.
Like I stressed out in my last piece that we are all uniquely designed to live one effective and fruitful life, not to be torn in-between divisible, unfruitful, and ineffective lives; that from the beginning of time, God knows you by name; He has singled you to stand out, to live as one individual that ever lived.  You are a masterpiece, a rare work of art, God’s magnum opus. This simply implies that you have a customized identity worth protecting regardless of whom or what comes your way.
Let’s start from the family; you might be many in your family, but God sees you as an individual, you might have quite a number of friends, but God view you as a person; surely, you live with and come in contact with people daily, but God knows you by name. We are first persons in God’s eye before we are seen as people. Knowing this will help us to maintain our true identity before God and people alike.
It is sad that bandwagon attitude is fast eroding our God given identities. We are caught up in a generation that celebrates the majority at the expense of truth and what is right; but I often asked, since when has the majority become the yardstick of measuring right from wrong and lies from the truth? Since when has life becomes a democracy to allow what goes for the majority rule us and becloud our God given sense of judgment? The majority is not always right; inferring from the unfolding of events in our time, the majority is often wrong.
I feel this piece won’t be complete if I don’t tell you how our conversation with my friend ended. At the concluding part of our conversation, my friend told me that he has resolved not to engage in some things that may appear right now but not necessary throughout this year. His statement teleported me back in time, where I made a simple prayer/resolution nine years back (even though I wasn’t fully aware of its implication as of then); I can tell you now with utmost sense of responsibility that whenever I feel like I am drowning in the crowd, that simple prayer/resolution from 2010 will echo in my heart with such gravity that often put me back on track.
Well! Less I bore you with my personal stories; the core of it all is this, in God, with God, and through God, define you identity, trust Him to maintain it, serve the world the menu  that only your identity can prepare. Mark out a straight path for your feet, resolve not to lose your identity, let it be known and said after you are no more that there was a man/woman who ever lived and this was his/her identity. Let it be written about you that regardless of many people who compromised their identities in the name of fitting in, that you decided to fit out.
Dare to stand out on your conviction and what you know is true, even if it means to stand out alone. By the way, standing for the truth and what is right is a revolutionary act in a world polluted by falsehood and moral decay. Men and women of old whose name will not be forgotten in a rush throughout history were men and women who  stood on their convictions of what is right and true; in fact most of them stood alone, because they were different and remained different.
You have an identity, and you have the crowd, but most importantly, you have to stand out and you have an identity to protect. Don’t forget that identity often comes with purpose, so if you lose it you are losing two things at the same time. It is your identity that will help you to know the kind of people that are meant to stay in your life. ”Your identity should be so secure, that when someone walks away from you, they don’t take you with them”. (
Don't be afraid to run against the wind or sail against the tide in order to leave a mark on the sand of time. Annals of history makers will justify your heroic decision to keep and maintain your God given identity by standing on what is true and right. Just know that many will one day come to read your story of how you either distinguished yourself or how you allowed the crowd to wash you down the drain.
Be free to leave your comments 
Thank You


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