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I attended my cousin’s sendoff prayer/party few years back, and just like other occasions, I observed something that captivated my curiosity. Beyond the euphoria of the atmosphere, the glamour of what women wore in their various cliques and the ecstasy of the day; in the fecundity of my mind, I was caught up into deep thinking about the sitting arrangement and the order of the whole arena.

It is normal in every occasion for order and decorum to be maintained, and the sitting arrangement of different set of people be given due consideration.  Hence you could imagine the invited guests seated up on the high table, exchanging pleasantries fitting their given position in the occasion. Again you could imagine the unit and set of men/women who often are siblings/relatives, friends and well-wishers. I am sure you can relate with the picture I am trying to paint here.

This scenario is no different from the order and arrangement of life. It is obvious that we have this set of people who daily occupy the high table of life; who must be recognized in almost everything and major decisions of the society. These people are the so called shakers and the movers, the pillars and he caterpillars of the society. These could be the politicians, business tycoons, technocrats, investors and all other top guns of the society.

Below this high table of the occasion of life are the so called average men/women; here you find those that are influenced by the decisions, action and even the inaction of the people on the high table. Thus, people that fill up this position are majorly the masses made up of that business woman you see on the street, that school teacher, those students, those hard working youths trying to make both ends meet and all other kind of people that fall under this category.

I believe by now you must have had a grasp of what I am trying to say. The fact that God has placed you on the high table of life doesn’t mean that you don’t need the people behind or below you. In this occasion of life, no one is an island as we all need each other in one way or the other. Just like the song writer Lucky Dube of blessed memory sang: “be good to the people on your way up the ladder, because you will meet them on your way down”; I dare to say that, you being up is to pave way for those below to find their way up too.

Can you look back and see where you were few years back? I am certain you would have noticed some major changes and progress in your life. It must not necessarily be in leaps and bounce but in little steps that make big differences; don’t get discouraged by those that progress in leaps and bounce because the life marked out for you is uniquely yours alone. What matters most is that you are not who and where you were yesterday.

If you are to ask one of those on the high table of life now how he or she got there, I know for sure that he or she will tell you the fastest vehicle is patience, driven by determination, faith and hope. Hence, even as I write this piece, I believe that I am not where God wants me to be yet, I am still climbing the ladder, but with utmost patience, determination, faith and hope regardless of what come my way. Therefore, we need all these if we must finish attending this occasion of life with great feat of success.

The beauty and comfort of life lies in us appreciating the position God has placed us at a given point in time. That you struggle to survive today don’t necessarily means that is your lot and portion in life forever, with time, things will surely change for good. That you are in the well-wishers seat of life today doesn’t mean that you won’t be on the high table of life tomorrow; this is because the men/women occupying the high table of life today were once in the well-wishers seat. You see who you are, where you are and what you are passing through now is just a process, it is a small part of a big picture. You won’t be here forever, if God is to give you just a glimpse of it all, you will know that today you may be on the “well-wishers’ seat”, tomorrow will be the “high table of life’.
Life entirely is a process and transition, therefore, trust the process. You may not be there yet, but at the very point you are now in life, there are definitely people behind you and ahead of you. Just like a ladder, rung above and rung below, that is the order of life. Appreciate where you are now, celebrate those that are ahead of you and help those that are behind you, and watch God take you where you ought to be.

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