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Ours is a generation where people often find it easy to live a lie, where hiding behind the mask is the in thing, and being true and real is fast disappearing. People derive pleasure from living another person’s life regardless of the cost and the subsequent consequences.  Hence, I often ask myself; if you spend your whole life copying another person’s life, who will live your own life?

There is nothing so tasking and demanding as living a dual life; it requires extra effort to keep and manage both identities and personalities. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that where effort and strength is required, there is bound to be exhaustion, tiredness and high tendency of being worn out before fulfilling God designed purpose for one’s life. 

You are uniquely designed to live one effective and fruitful life, not to be torn in-between divisible, unfruitful, and ineffective lives. There is nothing that thrills and excites the enemy of your soul – Satan like you living a double life; he derives pleasure from watching you caught in between two lives. Don’t give him that chance.

From the beginning of time, God knows you by name; He has singled you to stand out, to live as one individual that ever lived.  You are a masterpiece, a rare work of art, God’s magnum opus. You are the only Mr. A God knows, you are the only Mrs. B He sees. What I meant here is simple; we may be over 7 billion on the face of this earth but God knows all of us by name and He has designed for each of us to live uniquely.

Well, am I disputing the place of role models and mentors? No way. Am I arguing the influence of other people in one’s life? I guess not. Again, the place and importance of significant others in our lives cannot be over-emphasize, because we all look up to one or two persons at one point in time of our lives. But there is more to this than meet the eyes.

Enough of long story; the crux of what I am trying to say is this; don’t get lost living another person’s life. Yes, you can learn from other people’s life and experiences, from their actions and inaction, from their achievements and mistakes, yet is not enough for you to let them erode your own original identity.

One of our major problems as people and generation revolves around how we are daily exhausting God’s grace to live a life God hasn’t ordained for us. We foot drag daily with dual life, hiding behind the mask, living less of God’s purpose and more of people’s. While doing this, before we realize, we have spent our life time living a lie.

I don’t know about you, but at some point in time of my life, I found out that I was wearing a mask, trying to live as Mr. A or Mrs. B, while relegating the very life God has designed for me. I can tell you with certitude that nothing wears a life out as this; the more you try the more you fail. So I ask you, what sort of mask could you be wearing as you read this piece? Truthfully answering this question would be life defining.

Who is that man/woman behind the mask you could be wearing? Is he/she congruent with the man/woman god actually intended for you? For how long will you keep that man/woman behind the mask without getting tired and exhausted? For how long will you serve two masters at the same time?

If there is anything that hurts God most and grieves His heart is when you live double standard life, you are neither here or there, hot or cold, not in or out; such is dangerous to your life and eternity. Quite unfortunate, this is the state of most people today. God do not created you to live for less, but to be the best, and to be the best, you must live for him and him alone.

You are meant for something big, to turn tables and challenge status quo. You are custom made to leave a mark in the sand of time, to rewrite stories and retell narratives. You can only be these and more only if you are yourself in God, only when you strive and thrive to live out the life God has marked for you. Any other thing shouldn’t be you.

Break forth, take off every mask, and quit struggling to live the life that is not yours. Don’t forget that maintaining dual life will cost you your life. Start here, start now, live your original life to the fullest.

Thank You
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  1. Gutengjnr, this is a great exposition.
    Some how, every little material I lay my eyes on this past week has been pointing to the fact that we're all a master piece of art design uniquely by the creator (God).

  2. Enough said. The wisdom is this should profit every soul. Nice write-ups, brother.


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