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We will Make Mistakes and Offend Others
Life is a process of learning and we all are students of life, ever learning every new day; we cannot say we are perfect neither are we beyond mistakes. Another beauty of life is the fact that we will make mistakes, we will offend others and sometimes we will find ourselves as scapegoats at one point in time. What we do with these moments of mistakes has a lot to do with the shaping and making of our lives.

That you make mistakes doesn’t mean you are inferior or a failure, it simply shows how human you are and how you need grace and mercy. Again, that you offend others doesn’t mean that you are the most annoying human being on earth, but it only proves we all are fallible. We all are human with tendencies of making mistakes and offending others, thus we all need mercy and we also need to take responsibility for our actions.

Each and every day, life give us the opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and the experiences where we have offended others, if only we will open up  our minds and humbly learn, we will constantly be refined by our moments of mistakes. Whenever you make mistakes and offend others, you are supposed to take a true introspective evaluation of yourself and adjust where necessary.

What are your attitudes toward mistakes? What ought to be your right attitude after you offend others? Making mistakes and offending others don’t leave a mark on our lives compared to what we do with the lessons learned. Definitely, we will be corrected and rebuked, our ability to accept and adjust makes us more experienced and equipped for the future.

Great men and women are people that accept corrections and rebukes, learn from their mistakes, adjust where necessary and move on with life – this is the beauty of life. “If you refuse good advice, you are asking for trouble; follow it and you are safe” (Proverbs 13:13). Mistakes call for correction and offending others call for humility to make things right, don’t fight these two absolute principles of life if you desire a good life.

Others will Offend Us
Again, because mortals are fallible and have high tendency of failing, life will present to you people that will offend you.  Just as we have seen above that you will definitely offend others as the business of life goes on, the unfolding of life’s event will bring to your way men and women that will offend you knowingly or unknowingly; yes, people will step on your nerves, and will annoy you.

Surely, when you are offended you will feel bad, you will definitely get angry and that is no crime because you are human. At times you will feel like striking back because it is erroneously believed that revenge is sweet; however, experience has shown that revenge leaves bitter taste afterward and has never relieved the heart.

Being offended is another aspect of the beauty of life; it is normal and natural for the heart to be aggrieved when offended, but it is abnormal and supernatural for the heart to forgive and let go. Whenever people offend you, you have just been presented with an opportunity to manifest God’s character in you and to make yourself better by forgiving them.

When we say life is beautiful, it simple means the bitter-sweet experiences we face daily in the process of our making into whom God designed us to be. Seeing and embracing all these experiences painted above from God’s point of view, come with the understanding that truly life is beautiful; “And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans” Romans 8:28

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