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Few years back while in school, I was having a conversation with a very good friend who was also a course mate, he told me that if at all we must achieve anything in this our time and generation, we must be men and women of like-minds and like passion. This is simply because history had left conspicuous lessons for us that nothing great and record breaking was ever achieved in isolation. Forwarding this conversation to present day, this statement kept burning in my heart about the need to reach out and surround myself with men and women of like-minds and like passion in order to create a favourable platform to do exploits and great things in our time. Thus, I am sharing this with you to bring to fore the necessity and crucially of having men and women of like passion in this our “Change” era.

I am not too good in history, neither am I so vast and skilled in storytelling, but the little I have read and studied about how our beloved and betrothed country came to be and other countries around the world has given me much to think about. I observed and learned that the thread that linked and joined many great men and women who in their many different ways left mark on the sand of time and legacies for us to learn from, was the thread of having like-minded company around them. Browsing through the time and space, you will realize that, it is consistent of them to be encircled by men and women of like passion.

Over the years, change whether positive or negative, secular or sacred, formal or informal, was pioneered and championed by ordinary men and women of like passion. These were men and women that though they carried within them the feebleness and weaknesses common to all people; but in their bosom they nursed, nurtured and brooded uncommon, extra-ordinary and  life changing burdens and visions.  Change is the only permanent thing in life; this axiom is common in our society. However, the processes and pathways that lead to change are never common to all men. Change don’t just come to be overnight, it is not an accidental incident neither is it a coincidental occurrence; Change or transformation is the brainchild and product of hatched burdens, brooded visions and incubated dreams.

Emphatically, history has proven true that change doesn’t come on the platter of gold, neither has it ever been brought to fore by a single person, but through the collective and collaborative efforts of like-minded men and women whom over time have identified a burden, agreed upon it, work on it and have taken the necessary steps to bring it to fruition. Yes, the whole idea might be conceived by a single person, but when it comes to making it real and tangible, he/she needs men and women of like passion to achieve that. These men and women of like passion know the sacrifices and commitments needed and are ready to pay the corresponding cost to see that it is a reality. Running down memory lane, one will realize that numerous sacrifices and commitments were made for any meaningful change and transformation to happen. Thus we can talk of our founding fathers that were sacrificial and so committed to bring about the birth of our nation; they were so selfless to the point that they don’t even love their lives.

If you are to take a cursory look at the way things are especially in the political or business world, you will see the power of having like-minded people working together. Nothing promises great result and productivity like having and working with men and women of like passion, proving true what the Holy Writ said that two cannot walk together unless they agree. It is quite unfortunate and lamentable that we have allowed many things that divide us and few things that unite us, whereas we are in a generation that we have veritable and suitable platforms that will enable us to flow in congruency of purpose and harmony of reason.

I believe in this 21st century, we have a lot in common that it won’t take us anything much to align our purposes to birth something great and big. Civilization has freed and unites us, education has enlightened and unites us, and religion has liberated and unites us. All these are ground breaking foundations for us to be men and women of like passion, working together for the greater good of humanity. If only we can do so, we can lay aside our differences, bring our different yet equally important potentials to fore, explore and refine them together and move for something big in our time and generation.

More practically now, how can we achieve this seeing that we live in a generation that everything that is good and noble is being opposed by day with utter disdain? This reminds me of Nehemiah who carried the burden of rebuilding the broken down wall of Jerusalem. He was conscious of opposition; hence he surrounded himself with courageous men of like passion which finally ensured his subsequent success. You see if your burden is business, surround yourself with business-minded people that can fan into flame your little fire. If you desire to be a teacher, you need men of like passion to set you on course. Succinctly, no one can be surrounded by men and women that their passion are not congruent and expect to arrive at his or her destination; it will be like waiting for the ship at the airport.

Applicably to the youths now, we have all it takes to work together especially in 2019 to change a lot of things in Nigeria. This is because if there had ever been any tangible and lasting change and revolution, it was done by men and women of like passion particularly youths, and our time must not be an exception. As youths, if we must leave a mark on the sand of time, we must be like-minds and of like passion in everything that is true, right, fair, just, honourable, excellent, and beneficial. We must be men and women of like passion at confronting evil and exposing same, we must be like minds in calling a spade a spade.

The bottom line of it all is the fact that, if we can align ourselves and potentials to be men and women of like minds and passion, we can be a force to reckon with in our generation, nothing can conquer our resolutions to bring about revolution. It is time to reach out in that your little street and community, look out for men and women of like minds and passion, harness your potentials and I tell you, you will do great exploits and the world will come to the light of your glory. With men and women of like passion, everything is possible; they cannot only bring about a CHANGE, but a REVOLUTION.

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