When you hears the word greatness what readily comes to your mind? Someone or something big, large, and very important right? Well, you are not wrong; but you have taken a step in unraveling what true greatness is. Over the years, familiarity and people’s desire for greatness has made it a cliché, to the point that its real sense and essence is fast fading, giving way for people’s greed, covetousness and unhealthy ambition for materialism. Hence the need to simply unearth the brain behind true greatness and to demystify it to the core so that achieving greatness will not elude us. Just like success, most people regardless of socio-cultural, political or religious backgrounds and affiliations desire greatness and always want to associate with greatness, yet only few people are ready to know what true greatness really entails and its corresponding cost. Scattered through the pages of history and the chronicles of the past are men that defined greatness, identified with it, paid ...