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One blessed night two years ago, I picked up a pen and a page to write as usual, but then I felt blank, empty and exhausted, it felt as if I was completely running out of ideas and themes to write on, actually it wasn’t the first time anyway. It took me quite a moment before I got my groove and flow back on, suddenly ideas flooded my mind dominated by the word “dispensers”. From the onset it doesn’t make any sense, until this revelation came in, that we are all God’s masterpieces; hence we are designed to be unending dispensers of good tidings.
Ours is a broken and a starving generation. Agreed, we are educated and surrounded by technological sophistication, that has rippled impact on almost everything we do today, but it is not enough. Indubitably, we may collectively vote in the anticipated “political messiah” into power come 2019, but our brokenness and starvation go much deeper than all these. Many are love starved, always asking who will show us some good? Quite a number of people know no kindness, some cannot even define peace experientially, and three square meal don’t even exist in some people’s vocabulary as hunger has become their kin. These few examples represent many of the images about us that if brought to fore, one will see how desperately we need fixing as a people.
What if you are an ATM? What kind of currency will you dispense? Simply put, dispenser is someone/something that dispenses. To dispense is to issue, distribute,  or supply. Thus, to truly dispense, one as a matter of reality must be connected to a source or must be reloaded constantly to function effectively. When God created us, he did so with an intention and plan - while we carry and maintain his image and likeness, we are to reach out dispensing all that is needed to fix and heal the world. Therefore, to give us the template of how to go about fulfilling this purpose, he sent his son to make it so plain for us to follow. Hence: “…anywhere he went, he was doing good…”
Just like an ATM that dispenses cash, we all are meant to be dispensers of everything that is true, honourable, right, pure, lovely, hopeful, encouraging, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise. As events of life unfold, we will encounter people that we know and the ones we don’t know, they will insert their ATM cards of life’s issues into our life’s ATM, unlocking and punching in all the figures of their pains and brokenness, all they expect from us is a supply of all that will go a long way in solving their problems. Honestly, God will not lead you to someone with a problem that you don’t have even the slightest clue of how to go about solving it.
You are divinely and purposefully situated in the little corner you are right now to be a dispenser. You are meant to be connected to God our source first, then you can dispense peace and order where there is chaos, counsel where there is confusion, providence where there is lack, encouragement where there is weariness, love where hate abound, illumination where there is darkness, direction where men seem lost, hope where there is despair, knowledge and wisdom where there seems to be ignorance. You must not dispense all of these and it is okay, but according to grace, God is counting on you to be a dispenser of at least one or more of the above. It will be quite unfortunate if all that our generation receives from you always is: “temporary unable to dispense anything good”.
Why are we feeling empty, blank and exhausted when many lives are waiting for us to dispense to them what they need to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on?  Why sit we here till we die when we carry in us the answers of the many questions our generation ask every day? Could it be that we are not connected to the source of all that is good and perfect? In fact, God is counting on you concerning this. If we all will be connected to God the ultimate source, we will realize that the magnitude and the gravity of what we will do/dispense in this our generation will far outweigh our natural ability, this is because a summation of many little act of kindness can change the world.  We don’t need another person with a “polluted misplaced political correctness” to fix us, because we are all we have.
This is a clarion call for us to resume our original status of being God’s masterpieces, God’s dispensers and God’s manifest help and answered prayer to our broken and desperate generation. I personally and firmly resolved this day, to be all that God designed me to be; what about you?  Yes, I am not there yet because more is to come and I am a work in progress, but I won’t relent in dispensing the little I have, because I believe it begins with me, it begins right here and it begins right now.
“It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others”. Ephesians 2:10 (Guteng 2016©)

Break Forth! Live Life to the Fullest!
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  1. You really did justice your topic. The piece is instructive. Thanks reader.


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