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Ours is a generation where people no longer consider, respect, and honour anything sacred and holy; profanity is the order of the day, morality is disappearing by day, value and self-worth no longer have a say, and society is daily degrading and becoming bankrupt in everything that is right, upright and pleasing to God. Virtually, our so-called post modernism is daily constructing for us the framework upon which we push out truth and everything that is wright from our lives; thus, if anyone is searching for an iota of truth, all that can be found is an altar of falsehood, because truth now lies wounded on our streets.
Again, ours is the generation freed from every form of primitivity, enslaved by every sort of conformity and bound by several codes of moral insanity. How comes we have lost it this fast when we have all it takes now more  than ever to live right and do right? Intellectualism, advancement in technology and religion has freed us from every form of primitivity; yet, primitivity is too inadequate a word to describe our primitiveness in reasoning and way of life. We conform to every trending teaching and revelation, bending to it caprices like marionettes without reasoning, proving true that we are morally insane. If not, how can this generation be so myopic to see sex as the peak of bliss, pleasure and satisfaction? What a lie! There is more to life than this heresy.
It is saddening and thought provoking, it is regrettable and lamentable that we have succeeded in reversing divine orders in our society today, thus setting ourselves against the Most High. Sin has been socialized, falsehood has been categorized and wrong doing has been idolized and given names to suit our selfish and wicked heart’s inclinations. How is it that what we glory in today is our shame? Why is it that what turns us on is what turns Him off? It is unfortunate that the first thing we are likely to pass down to the next generation is this disordered order of life.
There is nothing right about anything wrongly done, and there is no right time for dong what is wrong. When has the crowd become our yardstick of measuring what is right or wrong? When has conformity become the prerequisite of being relevant? We must know that this “everybody is doing it” syndrome is depriving us the right to become somebody and do something in our time and generation. If everybody is going down the drain will you happily follow suit? But wait, who assured you that the crowd is always right? In fact, the crowd is always often wrong. It is quite unfortunate that bandwagon attitude and spirit has beclouded our moral judgment and spiritual sanity.
            If not for God’s mercies, our verdict will not be different from that of Sodom and Gomorrah. If God is to judge us as we deserve, who then will stand? No, this is not another threatening message, but a timely and clarion call unto doing the right thing; right things ordained and designed divinely, right things that have the capacity of pulling heaven down. For this to happen, we must dethrone every appearance of falsehood, reject every form wrongdoing and say no to every kind of conformity that dims our moral and spiritual lenses, so that we may see well and look into the future with zeal, determination and resolved commitment of doing everything that is right.          
“In fact, if you know the right thing to do and don't do it, that, for you, is evil” (James 4:17). Let it not be said of us, that we were the ones that disordered God’s divine order. Let it not be heard of us, that we were the ones that mutilated the truth by lending falsehood a hand of fellowship. Let it not be written about us that were the ones that celebrated the wrong, treating all that is right with utmost contempt. The aftermath will be more than what we could imagine. The time has come for us to do right, live right and bequeaths same to the younger generation. To cap it all: live right and do right, think no evil and say no ill, do no wrong and teach no wrong. (Guteng 2018©)

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