Sometimes in the years 2005 and 2006, I was exposed to tin mining for the first time. Beyond the stress and rigors involved, what piqued my curiosity was the several processes we had to meticulously employ to arrive at getting the tin at the end of the day. The first process is to sample the site to ensure that it has the tin you are looking for, if the result is affirmative then you go on digging and gathering as much of the sand as you can. The next process is to wash the sand via a well-crafted channel to get the tin. You should note here that sometimes you can gather as much as a trip of sand but the tin you will mine out of it could be very small. The entire process requires patience, meticulousness, and persistence. What kept us going was the joy of getting something when it's all been said and done. Life is not in any way different from this, it is a link and interlinks of processes, with one end leading to another beginning. To become who you want to be in life, requires ...