I want to congratulate you for making it this new year, God has been faithful. Last year was tough, but we survived it, God kept us and we are here. We now have a clean slate of sheets, what we write on it determines how our lives will pan out at the end of the day/year. I want to share some random thoughts with you that I sense will help on your journey through this year and life entirely. I pray they mean something to you. Note: After today, the breakforth series will go on a break and will resume the first week of April. Thank you for following what we have done here hitherto. So here we go... Make each day count - Who and what you are today is a cumulation of the decisions you have made every day of the past. Every new day, do your best to make meaningful decisions and be disciplined enough to follow through with them and you would have made the day count. Be thankful - Gratitude has a rippling effect; instead of complaining, be thankful, count your blessings, relish...