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Showing posts from January, 2021

The Minus Plus

This is one of my most reflective pieces, please, glean through these few words, I pray they bless you. The Question To live short but well, or to live long with many regrets or to live neither short nor long yet with no sense of purpose? Clocking 30 So I clocked the Big 30 yesterday as people fondly call it, and today I begin the journey of a new chapter in my life. Honestly, I felt overwhelmed and excited that I had spent above ten thousand days on earth. I felt the love from all directions, seeing people celebrating me in many different yet equally important ways, and above all, I felt fulfilled.   This was different, it was unlike other birthdays for me. Others came with excitement and exuberance; however, this one came with a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to the people looking up to me and above all the urgency and intensity of purpose upon my life – first to God, and then to humanity.  Sometimes I ask myself some weird questions such as who invented t...

We All Bleed the Same

  I will be using a story of a little girl who is around 11 years to drive the point of this piece home – we all bleed the same. (I know you can relate with this story). B rainstorming over some life issues with my very good friend two nights ago, she shared a heartbreaking yet common story with me that pushed me into thinking about what makes humans truly human. The story is heartbreaking because it elicits sympathy due to man’s inhumanity to man, yet common because we hear such daily. In this part of the world, we all are acquainted with the common practice of rich people bringing some poor girl or boy from the village to help out with house chores and run errands. A stipend would be paid to the girl or the boy, or maybe the person would be trained in school as a remuneration for his or her services. To the parents of such a person, it could be a major relieve, because they may be struggling to make both ends meet. So the fact that their boy or girl is tak...


  The man I t is said that curiosity kills the rat , but for him, curiosity set him on course to become one of the greatest inventors we know today. For him, curiosity was a way of life, so much that he often annoys his teachers with a barrage of questions. To this curious kid, we owe most of the technologies that make modern life modern today. By the time he died, he held 1, 093 patents covering the creation and/or refinement of devices in telegraphy, sound recording, motion pictures, light and so much more. Most of us may have known what this kid ended up becoming and the many things he invented. Especially that he tried many times before inventing the light bulb, but few of us know about the making of the man in Thomas Edison. Menlo Park T homas Edison was a game-changer and a change-maker; arguably, he was the greatest investor of our time. How did he do it? How did he achieve all the inventions credited to his name? What was his se...

Don’t be a Sinkhole

    I t was a Wednesday morning, the last in the year 2020.   I woke up with my eyes still heavy because I barely had good sleep that night. I had a meeting scheduled for 10 am that day, little did I know that a simple talk over breakfast would take my entire morning. As he asked how I and the family were faring, my Uncle whom I have not seen for a year delved into sharing some life principles with me. He told me from his experience why I have to be patient with life, and all that I shared here in my last piece (“Add these to your backpack). Truth is, I felt he was consuming my time until I began taking notes before I realized I needed the pep talk to enable me to finish the year on a high reflective note. “Walnshak” he called out as if to get my complete attention, “in this life, don’t ever be a sinkhole that takes in but never gives out". At first, I didn’t grasp why he would tell that to me until he went ahead to say that: "in life, the most s...


  If you are reading this, it means you made it into the New Year. Congratulations and welcome to 2021. A nd so, it is New Year. That time of the year when people have made and are still making so many resolutions and decisions. Some of these “ New Year Resolutions” are perfunctory while others are borne out of deep desire to do and be better. Well, for me, every day is New Year to make new life-changing resolutions and be a better me. Regardless of how you launched into the year 2021 and the various resolutions you have made or written down, know that nothing will change without you being intentional and deliberate. In his book ‘The 5 AM Club’, Robin Sharma said: “Ideas are worth nothing unless backed by the application. The smallest of implementations is always worth more than the grandest of intentions”. I therefore add, don’t just make resolutions, but live out the resolutions one day at a time. As we journey this New Year, permit me to share with y...