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Showing posts from October, 2020


NOTE:         This is going to be one of my shortest writings lately, I hope I pass the message with these few words. I t was a praise and worship Sunday, the first Sunday in the month of October, I was not sure if I was ready for the day as I dragged tired unwilling self to church. Well, going to church that day eventually paid. Amidst the rapturous rhythm and melody of the music that overwhelmed the atmosphere, the massive energetic display of youthful dance and the sacred devotion offered to God through all these, my heart was drawn to something. I took notice of an aged woman whom I have known for like nine years now in the church. Yes, it is a student church and you can as well just imagine the kind of strength present in such environment especially on a praise and worship Sunday. However, the strength, determination and concentration the old woman gave into her dance was enchanting and one of a kind. Q ...


  Disclaimer The message of this piece may or may not be for everybody, however I pray that somehow you relate with these few words and make sense out of it. O ne of the things I have been consistent with this year is “morning runs”; I exercise three times a week, alternating between the week days. The entire experience became more fun when one of my friends became my neighbour few months ago, and we began running together. Well, what we do every day we go running is adding upon the distance we covered previously and no matter how small the addition is, it gives us a sense of improvement. However, lately, we have been overwhelmed with life and personal struggles that we often skip our morning exercise, and prior to now that I am writing this piece, it has been almost two weeks that we have not gone running. W hat we discovered and even talked about while running this morning (5:27am, Saturday October 24 th , 2020)   was that in as much as our body systems have adopted ...


E arlier this week, I got chatting with a lady on social and I asked after her wellbeing, she told me that she is not too well. Inquiring further, she promised to tell me what was wrong with her on the condition that I would pray for her; I did agreed to pray with her (not for her) whatever the issue might be. Well, she said what was wrong with her was that she doesn’t has a phone and is making her sick. I did sympathized and empathized with her and in response I gave her my own story.  April 11th 2014, I bought my first android phone (don’t ask me why I still remember the date please), it was a Tecno P5, the ecstasy could not let me sleep on time, I suppose you can relate with that kind of feeling. As time goes on, I became addicted to my phone, so addicted that it was hard for me to stay a moment without my hands being busy touching it. August 2015, I got my laptop, again, it became so dear to me that spending a night without it by my side felt as if something was missing. Those ...


  This piece is an aftermath of an online freelance writing application I did few months ago, however, regardless of why I wrote it in the first place, sharing it with you guys is worth it. W inning is one word everyone loves to associate with, but very few people are ever prepared for it. Defeat on the other hand is the antithesis of wining and victory; and the truth is, no one is ever ready to taste defeat in life, yet most people are planning for defeat by not preparing for victory in life. We all live and exist in time and space, what we do with these two largely determine the outcome of our lives at the end of the day as to whether we win or lose, first to ourselves then to our families and our immediate communities. Running down the path of history, it is obvious that those who left a scratch on the sand of time were men and women who were guided by certain principles in life, they fought the battle of life by those guiding rules and their various victories serve as bluep...


  Two weeks ago I was having a conversation with this lady with whom we have been discussing life with lately, and she said to me: “Sir, I have something that is really eating me deep inside and I will need help with it; people have been making fun of me because of my body structure, I have been working hard to add some flesh but it is not working, I hate being called smally”.  To be comfortable in your own skin is to be you and do you, it is your ability to accept yourself, love yourself and embrace yourself. To be comfortable in your own skin is to have confidence in your abilities whether small or big, crude or refined and to also shamelessly admit your flaws, flops and flounders in the light of growth and positive change. To be comfortable in your own skin is the key to unlocking the real you and all the potentials therein.  Being comfortable in your own skin is one of the easiest and surest ways of making the best out of life, this is because it gives you the license...