Some few weeks back, seven of us were asked to write a piece on “A Place I call home” in our Booktroverts family, within fractions of seconds, I got lost into series of thoughts that finally streamed into streams and oceans of practical meditation. Even now that my fingers are punching these letters on my keypad, I cannot say I have fully deciphered the connotative and denotative meaning of what home is; hence the words that flowed and followed these ones are just a feeble attempt at scratching the concept of a place I call home. At the sound of the monosyllabic word “Home” what imagery piqued the curiosity of your mental faculty and reasoning? A structure or building erected with a father, mother and handful of kids right? Trust me that is the first imagery that will plunge our minds from the onset just like A, B, C, D, invade us at the sound of the alphabets. Well! I know you have your understanding and concept of home, permit me to humbly share with you my little insig...