I begin this piece with an illustration of an artist who set out to paint a portrait of a person, he may starts with just a simple stroke of brush on the canvass, but in his mind, he has finished the entire portrait, he has traveled the entire course of painting the portrait from start to finish. Therefore, every stroke of brush, every combination of colours are just the routes of arriving at the end of the journey he has mentally travelled. Yes, he began with the end in mind. Starting/beginning and finishing/end are two deciding moments in a man’s life, knowing the gravity and implication of these two as they relate to your life will largely influence everything you do every day. Our time and generation gives much attention to glorious starting, to glamorous beginning at the expense of finishing well and strong which is rather pathetic; this is because it does no one good to start anything well and not finish strong. Starting sets a life on course and exposes the lif...